
Seetha Amman Temple
2.2 Km / 5 Mins away
The world famous Ramayana has its bits and pieces written about places in Sri Lanka and most of those places revered by the people who follow Hinduism at certain parts of the world. The Sita Amman Temple is dedicated to Princess Sita – the wife of King Rama is on a little mountain peak at Nuwara Eliya. This is believed to be the only one of its kind as no other such temple is situated on a peak.
The musical writings of Ramayanaya says that this is the place where Sita was imprisoned by the Sri Lankan King Ravana. The temple had been reconstructed according to the South Indian Architecture and is positioned beautifully nearing a stream. There is another place which is believed to carry the signs and footprints of the Monkey God Hanuman and it is said that Hanuman rested on this place after his war of rescuing Sita from Ravana. Devotees strongly believe that this is a holy and sacred place where Sita once stayed with her whole hearted love for Rama and is increasingly becoming and attractive tourist location.
The roof top has some remarkable statues and avatars depicted such as a large tower, the horse head Kalki, the final avatar of God Vishnu – Krishna playing the flute, Vaamana – the dwarf avatar with an umbrella, Parasurama in green, Sita and Rama and Hanuman kneeling infront of them.

St. Xavier’s Church
7.7 Km / 15 Mins away
Initiated in 1838 the St Xavier’s Church was built to its current structure in a span of 10 years. The towering walls of the church are light brown in colour following the same pattern of colonial houses. With its pews that continue all the way to the altar and grand interior, the church is pervaded with the spiritual essence that seems to attract many who seek the blessings of the lord.